Pipra, P.O Chandparsha, P.S Hasanpura, Dist. Siwan Bihar-841240
Pipra, P.O Chandparsha, P.S Hasanpura, Dist. Siwan Bihar-841240
RAM SUBHAG KALYAN SAMITI incorporated as a non-Profit Organisation, working for commonly development through Human Rights, Children Education special emphasis on marginalised people especially children young girls and women and Relief to poor through various programmes. This organisation is founded in 2014 by the group of social worker, it is voluntary organisation registered under Society Act 1860. The focus of RAM SUBHAG KALYAN SAMITI is on community development through the participation of its own people. The role of RAM SUBHAG KALYAN SAMITI is strengthening and empowering the communities to perceive their own problems/needs, and to solve them through collective action and participation .
Healthy, Peaceful, Developed, Educated and dignified Communities.
Mission Statement :
To improve the quality of the marginalized people, children without discrimination through Human Rights, awareness and providing education to them
Organising and Empowering Communities to solve their own problem through collective actions and participation